
Junior Finals

  • This house regrets the rise of political centrism.
  • Junior Semifinals

  • This house believes that climate activists should resort to hacktivism
  • Junior Quarterfinals

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Middle School Finals

  • This house regrets the rise of political centrism.
  • Middle School Semifinals

  • This house believes that climate activists should resort to hacktivism
  • Middle School Quarterfinals

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Grand Final

  • This house regrets the rise of political centrism.
  • Semifinals

  • This house believes that climate activists should resort to hacktivism
  • Quarterfinals

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Octofinals

  • This House Prefers that the Eastern bloc countries had formed their own Union instead of joining the European Union (EU)
  • Round 5

  • This house, as a progressive female candidate, would not use conventional gender roles (e.g. marketing oneself as a mother or a wife) as a tactic in political campaign
  • Round 4

  • This house believes that the state should fully compensate the victims of crimes committed by recidivist criminals. *Recidivist criminal: a convicted criminal who reoffends, especially repeatedly.
  • Round 3

  • This house believes that the trend towards the institutionalization of art has done more harm than good
  • Round 2

  • This house prefers a world where the norm is that people hold multiple part-time jobs instead of the current norm of one full-time job
  • Round 1

  • This House opposes the hyper-specialization of higher education