
Novice Finals

  • THBT climate anxiety has done more harm than good to youth
  • Grand Final

  • TH as Riya,would accept the offer.
  • Semifinals

  • THBT climate anxiety has done more harm than good to youth.
  • Round 5

  • This house prefers protectionist policies in developing countries
  • Round 4

  • THR the commercialization of expeditions to the Himalayas.
  • Round 3

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Round 2

  • This house regrets the rise of social media influencers.
  • Round 1

  • This house believes that feminist movements should adopt feminist icons that are rebellious as opposed to icons that promote traditional norms. (Some examples of rebellious icons – Rani of Jhansi, Rosa Luxembourg Some examples of icons following traditional norms – Bilquis Edhi, Mother Teresa)